Project Information
In March 2022, the City of Philomath completed an area-wide planning initiative for a nine-block area Downtown to identify the community’s vision, local priorities, and a series of strategies that support revitalization and district vitality (also referred to as the “Focus Area”). The process included multiple public engagement components to allow community sentiments and aspirations to guide the planning opportunities for Downtown. The community feedback focused on building upon Downtown’s existing assets, strengthening district character, creating captivating gathering spaces, and adding commercial services for visitors and residents alike. Notably, the recommended strategies will help to address brownfields and other underutilized properties that have both near and long-term potential to support community-serving uses and amenities for both current and future populations.
The community’s vision is to “transform Downtown Philomath into a captivating, welcoming, and distinctive destination with an array of amenities, businesses, and community gathering spaces”. This vision can be supported through a multi-faceted implementation approach that includes a supportive regulatory framework, capital investments, quality amenities, and public spaces that support gatherings, events, and passive recreation. This planning document summarizes the process, existing conditions findings, community feedback, the recommended revitalization strategies, and an action plan to support Downtown vitality, property reuse, and creating a distinctive Oregon destination.