Public Record Requests Link
This link is used to provide access to public records that have been requested. Records uploaded to this link will remain here for a week to allow time for the requester to download them.
Contact the City Recorder: Crystal Weber
City Council Meetings and Council Services
The City Recorder is responsible for the preparation and dissemination of City Council meeting agendas and packets. The City Recorder must attend every meeting of the City Council and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings, engrossing and enrolling all ordinances and resolutions of the City Council. The City Recorder handles Council meeting preparations and correspondence for the Mayor and Council.
Records Custodian / Records Management Officer
The City Recorder is responsible for the care and maintenance of all City of Philomath records. This office houses all City Council minutes, agendas, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and a vast array of other historical and regulatory information. The City Recorder is designated as the City's Records Management Officer. They are responsible for adherence to the OAR Division 200 City General Records Retention Schedule and for monitoring the records storage center. In addition to these duties, the City Recorder responds to requests for City records filed each year under the Oregon Public Records Law.
The City Recorder serves as the Chief Election Official for the City of Philomath ensuring compliance with Oregon elections statutes, the City Charter, and City ordinances. They manages all elections of the Mayor and City Council, initiative measures, city referrals, referendums, and recall petitions, in coordination with the Benton County Elections Office.
The City Recorder coordinates the application process for City Council appointed commissions and committees and maintains all board and committee agendas, meeting packets, and minutes. The City Recorder attends meetings of the Planning Commission and other committees as needed, keeping accurate minutes and permanent records of the proceedings.
The City Recorder is responsible for the issuance of certain permits and licenses for various operations within the City of Philomath including alcoholic beverage licenses, tobacco sales permits, non-domestic animal permits, and broadcast permits.
In addition to the duties listed above, the City Recorder serves as custodian of the City corporate seal and attests the Mayor's signature on all official documents; records and files easements; drafts ordinances and resolutions; coordinates the codification of City ordinances into the Philomath Municipal Code; publishes and posts all legal ads and notices for the City; is the City's jurisdictional contact to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission; and answers myriad questions related to the City's 135 year history.
This link is used to provide access to public records that have been requested. Records uploaded to this link will remain here for a week to allow time for the requester to download them.