Downtown Façade Grant Program

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Program Information


In an effort to improve the physical appearance of downtown businesses, the City has created a grant program which is available to building owners to make exterior improvements to their building. The application and review process is simple with a quick turnaround once the required application information is submitted to the Review Committee. The Review Committee has the authority to work with applicants to develop an appropriate design and approve the grant amount. Applications can be submitted at any time and may be approved subject to the availability of grant funds.


Application Process


To apply for the initial review phase, an applicant shall submit the following documents:

  • A completed Façade Grant Pre-Application form (due by October 20, 2023). 
  •  A detailed description of the proposed façade improvements, including specifications of the materials to be used.
  • Written bid(s) from the contractor(s).


 After approval by the Application Review Committee, applicants shall submit the following:


Loan Criteria


  • Eligible applicants must be the owner(s) of the building. Grants shall only be for façade improvements. All commercial and personal/professional offices and businesses located on Main Street from 20th Street to the west city limits and Applegate Street from 13th Street to the west city limits.
  • Other commercial and personal/professional offices and businesses located on side streets off of Main Street are eligible for consideration subject to funding availability.
  • A maximum grant amount of $10,000 per tax lot may be awarded. The applicant shall match dollar for dollar the amount of the grant. Up to 10% of the total project request may be counted by the applicant as match for necessary project review, planning, architectural consultation and required fees or permits. 
  • Those property owners who received architectural services from architect David York as part of the Philomath Downtown Visitor Enhancement Project and their lessees are encouraged to implement the façade designs that York produced for their respective buildings.
  • Grant funds shall not be disbursed if the improvements do not comply with the facade improvements approved by the Review Committee.
  • Grant funds shall be disbursed after the applicant has paid the matching amount in full. The City shall pay only on a written invoice from the contractor that has been approved by the applicant. Partial disbursements shall be for no less than $500.
  • All façade improvement plans must be approved by the Review Committee to ensure that they meet Philomath's Design Guidelines (a document produced by consulting architect David York 1998), and federal regulations, where applicable (for example, the Secretary of the interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, regulations pertaining to lead-based paint, etc.). The City shall provide the grantee with a copy of Philomath's Design Guidelines.