Heritage Tree Program

About the Heritage Tree Program
The Philomath Heritage Tree Program was established by Resolution 22-09 in 2022 to recognize, foster appreciation of, and honor particular trees of significance in our community. These are trees that tell a story; confound and astound; educate locals and visitors about significant people or events from the past; have survived natural disasters; and stand as silent sentries to the passage of time. Trees cool our city, clean our air and water, beautify our neighborhoods, provide habitat for wildlife, and generally create a more livable community.
Designated Heritage Trees
The City will install identifying markers of heritage trees with the donation of $50 toward the Heritage Tree Program. Individuals, organizations, or the City Council may elect to make the donation. Tree owners will be given a certificate of recognition from the City indicating the tree’s status as a heritage tree at no charge. Participation in the Heritage Tree Program is voluntary and tree owners maintain rights of removal consistent with City Municipal Code. However, in recognition of their unique status and value to the community, property owners are strongly encouraged to inform the Tree Board of their intention to remove a heritage tree prior to taking action. For public trees, the Public Works Director will review the need for tree removal with the Tree Board prior to taking action.
Heritage Tree Eligibility
In order to qualify as a Heritage Tree, a tree must meet one or more of the following criteria:
      • Specimen: exceptional size, form, beauty, rarity, or horticultural value
      • Historic: recognized by virtue of age, or associated with noted person or historical event
      • Landmark: recognizable landmark in the community
      • Collection: notable grove, avenue, or planting


Geographic Area
Trees within the greater Philomath area which includes the city's urban growth boundary, are eligible to be nominated for Philomath Heritage Tree status. 
Trees on Public or Private Property
Anyone can nominate a tree on public or private property, but the Public Works Director must sign the nomination form for publicly owned trees, including those within the right-of-way and parks, and the private property owner must sign the nomination form for trees on private lands.   

Submission Information
The program will be promoted annually, with nomination forms accepted by 5 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of March in order for annual approvals to coincide with the City’s Arbor Day recognition(s).
Note: Photos must be submitted digitally by email and be JPEG or PNG, with a high enough resolution and file size to be displayed on the website and used in printed materials. The City will request additional photos if needed. 
Submit nomination form and photos to: 
Philomath Public Works 
PO Box 400
1515 Willow Street Philomath, OR 97370
Review of nominating applications and conferring of heritage tree status will be done by a Heritage Tree Committee, consisting of the members of the Tree Board and at least two additional volunteers. The Heritage Tree Committee will meet on or around April 1 each year to review nomination forms and recommend trees to admit to the Heritage Tree Program to the City Council by way of resolution for consideration.