Contact List

To report an emergency, Call 9-1-1

Philomath Public Works Department, 541-929-3579

Philomath Police Department (non-emergency), 541-929-6911

Philomath Fire & Rescue (non-emergency), 541-360-0030

Benton County Emergency Management, 541-766-6864

Benton County Road Closures, 541-766-6821

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 425-487-4600

Oregon Office of Emergency Management, 503-378-2911

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 503-947-6000

Oregon Department of Forestry, 503-945-7200; Philomath Office: 541-929-3266

Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL), 503-986-5200

Oregon Department of Transportation Trip Check. Dial 5-1-1 from your cell phone

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Portland Division), 503-808-5150