Philomath Strategic Planning

The City of Philomath's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan includes work to remove homeownership barriers. To ensure equitable access of homes for everyone, Workforce Housing Philomath is committing to strategies that break down homeownership barriers to our priority populations.

Looking ahead, Workforce Housing Philomath will not only build affordable housing, but the project will center the needs of its priority populations in its home designs and outreach strategies. With an expanded pipeline, Workforce Housing Philomath will have more homeownership opportunities to offer the community and resources to help homebuyers realize their dream of family stability through homeownership.

Philomath Strategic Plan Theme 4: Great Neighborhoods


Here are the priories of the Philomath City Council and staff as related to supporting affordable housing in Philomath:
Goal 4.1: Address Affordable Housing in Philomath
  • Objective 4.1.1: Ensure the City’s housing policies encourage housing options for low to med-income households.
  • Objective 4.1.2: Support applications for higher density housing options through conditions of approval and development agreements that favor more affordable housing options.
  • Objective 4.1.2: Look for opportunities to support low- and median-income housing.



Our Partners

Linn-Benton Housing Authority has worked with the City in shaping this project and the partnerships involved. The project is a partnership between the City of Philomath, developers, and additional funding partners. 


Contact Us

 City of Philomath | | 541-929-6148 Option 5