Application Forms
Birding Permits: Application form can be downloaded on our Permits, Licenses & Forms page. Please email completed form to:
Work performed in the public right-of-way requires a Public Works Permit. The type of work performed determines if it is a Type A or Type B permit.
Work for which a Type A Site/Street/Utility Construction Permit is required shall include the following work:
a) Any sidewalk, driveway approach or utility service improvements to serve a single residence, duplex or business for which public street or mainline utility improvements are not required, and that do not include construction or reconstruction of parking lots, private streets, fire lanes or common use driveways other than for duplexes.
b) Utility work by franchise utility companies that does not require pavement cuts longitudinally along a street shall require a Type A permit (including installation by boring along or across a public right-of-way or City utility easement, unless the Public Works Director determines that the scope of the proposed installation requires review by the City Engineer, in which case a Type B permit will be required). Such work shall be exempt from permit fees to the extend provided by Section G.9(e) of the Philomath Public Works Design Standards.
An improvements agreement and performance security may be required and, if so, shall be executed as specified in Section G.10 of the Philomath Public Works Design Standards.
Type B Public Works Permit
Work for which a Type B Site/Street/Utility Construction Permit is required shall include the following:
a) Any street, sidewalk or utility improvement to serve more than a single residence, duplex or business, or for which public street or mainline utility improvements are required (including fire hydrants or dedicated fire sprinkler services), or that include parking lots, private streets, fire lanes or common use driveways involving drywells or stormwater infiltration systems which require approval or permitting by DEQ and which serve more than a single residence or which serve commercial/industrial/public developments.
b) Installation of service laterals for multiple properties within a common trench, or installation of service lateral(s) across property other than that being served.
c) Site Grading & Fills.
(1) Projects that require site grading, filling or fill stockpiling operations associated with development of the property other than those operations directly associated with the construction of a structure for which a valid building permit has been issued by the City.
(2) Site grading, filling or fill stockpiling operations over existing public sanitary sewer, storm drain or water distribution lines, or such operations within existing or proposed public utility easements.
d) Utility work by franchise utility companies that requires pavement cuts longitudinally along a street shall require a Type B permit. Such work shall be exempt from permit fees to the extent provided by Section G.9(e) of the Philomath Public Works Design Standards.
f) If there are classes of work not specifically covered by the above but that are included under the scope of the Public Works Design Standards, the determine of the type of permit required shall be made by the City Manager after consultation with the Public Works Director and the City Engineer.
g) Approval of Construction Drawings is required prior to obtaining a permit or beginning construction.
h) Approval of plans by the City Engineer or City Public Works for issuance of a City Public Works street/site/utility construction permit does not relieve the developer, contractor or engineer from obtaining any and all reviews and permits required under the building, plumbing or electrical codes that any portions of the work may be subject to, or from any requirements under County, ODOT or other agency permits or approvals required for the project.