Stormwater Pollution Reporting


  • For Emergencies, call 911
  • For damaging flooding or spills, call 541-929-6911 anytime, 541-929-3579 during normal business hours or 541-740-0163 weekends and after hours.
  • For non-urgent plugged storm drains, please call 541-929-3579, leave message if necessary.
  • To report surface water pollution, like leaking automobiles, large quantities of debris dumped on the street, or paint poured down a drain, please call 541-929-3579 or use the stormwater pollution reporting link here:

The City of Philomath provides its residents with a variety of stormwater services including drainage system maintenance, flooding response, regulatory compliance, capital improvements, spill and illicit discharge investigation and much more.

In July of 1999, the City Council passed Ordinance 673 establishing a stormwater utility fee, equitably applied, based upon impervious surface area, to provide funds to properly acquire, construct, equip, operate, maintain, extend and repair the city’s stormwater systems.

The Stormwater collection system that must be maintained consists of more than:

  • 4 miles of open ditches
  • 14 miles of piped storm lines
  • 2 miles of creeks and waterways
  • 2 detention basins, inspection of many more
  • 900 storm drainage structures (manholes, catchbasins, flow controls, etc)

The City of Philomath operates under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit in order to release stormwater runoff from the stormwater system directly to our local streams.

The previous NPDES permit was issued in 2007 and expired in 2012.  DEQ did not issue new permits to MS4 Phase II permittees between 2012 and 2019 and instead went with a General Permit for all current and new MS4 Phase II permittees.  This permit goes into effect on March 1, 2019 and is good for 5 years.

The NPDES Permit requires the City to perform a variety of assessments and deliverables, and to submit an annual report to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality every fall.