City Budget Committee Meeting
When:City Budget Committee Agendas, Minutes, and Media
Meeting Participation Instructions
This meeting is being held in-person at the City Hall Council Chambers, and the public is invited to attend. Public comments and testimonies are also available via written or electronic participation. City meetings are live-streamed on the City’s YouTube channel.
Speaking in Person: Please fill out a Speaker Request Form on the table near the doors and give it to the City Recorder. If you have a written statement for the Council, please email it or provide 10 copies to the City Recorder who will distribute them to the Council.
Speaking Virtually: Register to speak by contacting the City Manager’s office before 4:00 PM the day of the meeting. Email cityhall or call 541-929-6148 to provide your name, phone number, address, email, and topic. Presentation materials should be submitted as written testimony.
ADA Accessibility: The City will strive to accommodate for all residents. City Hall is ADA accessible meeting space. Given at least two business days’ notice, an interpreter can be provided for the hearing impaired or those with limited proficiency in English.
Contact the City Manager's Office to make interpreter arrangements:
PO Box 400, Philomath, OR 97370