(POSTPONED) Finance & Administration Committee
When:MEETING POSTPONED: Due to quorum issues, this meeting will be rescheduled to a new date and time. Agenda packet is posted to the website by the Friday before meetings.
Link to: Agendas
Meeting Access Information:
This meeting is being held in-person at the City Hall Council Chambers, and the public is invited to attend. City meetings are live-streamed on the City’s YouTube channel at: City of Philomath - YouTube. This is a public page; no account or user fee is required.
Given two business days’ notice, an interpreter can be provided for the hearing impaired or those with limited proficiency in English. Contact the City Manager’s Office to make interpreter or electronic participation arrangements.
City Manager's Office: 541-929-6148; cityhall@philomathoregon.gov; PO Box 400, Philomath, OR 97370