City Council Executive Session


Per ORS 192.660(2)(h) To consult legal counsel regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be filed and 192.660(2)(i) Performance evaluations of public officer and employees.

The Philomath City Council will meet from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. in executive session for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel concerning current litigation or litigation likely to be filed and conducting performance evaluations of a public officer and employee. The executive session is held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(h) and 192.660(2)(i) which allow the Council to meet in executive session to conduct these discussions.

Representatives of the news media and designated staff and other designated persons shall be allowed to attend the executive session. All other members of the audience are asked to leave the room. Representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to report on any of the deliberations during the executive session, except to state the general subject of the session as previously announced. 

Should the Council need additional time to complete discussions being conducted, they will return to executive session status at the conclusion of the regular business meeting.

No final decision may be made in executive session. At the end of the executive session, the Council will convene in open session and welcome the public into the room.

Link to Agendas

Meeting Access Information: 

Executive sessions are not live-streamed on the City’s YouTube channel at: City of Philomath - YouTube. Live-streaming will begin at 7:00 p.m. for the regular meeting.