Inclusivity Committee


Agenda packets are posted to the website by the Friday prior to the meeting.

Link to: Meeting agendas

Meeting Access Information:

This meeting is being held via video conference on the Zoom platform. 

Members of the public who want to participate via Zoom may use the video link or phone number provided below:

Meeting ID:  206 550 7670; Password: Philomath
Phone: 312-626-6799    Participant ID 492443   Meeting ID 492443

The public may watch the live feed of the meeting on the City's Facebook page at . This is a public page and does not require a Facebook account to access. The public may also appear at the City Hall Council Chambers to observe the meeting or provide comment. 

Given two business days’ notice, an interpreter can be provided for the hearing impaired or those with limited proficiency in English. Contact the City Recorder's Office to make interpreter arrangements:

City Recorder Ruth Post: 541-929-6148;; PO Box 400, Philomath, OR 97370.