Household Hazardous Waste Event

Republic Services Household Hazardous Waste Event


Recycling & Garbage

Republic Services holds household hazardous waste event for Benton County residents


Julie Jackson, Municipal Manager
Republic Services, Inc.

Republic Services holds household hazardous waste event for Benton County residents:

On Saturday, February 8, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Republic Services invites all residents of Benton County to bring their household hazardous wastes to 110 NE Walnut Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330 for safe disposal and recycling. There is no charge for residential customers with household quantities of waste. The quarterly event is a chance for residents to safely and environmentally responsibly dispose of items that can’t be tossed in the weekly trash cart. This includes household quantities (5 gallons max) of:

  • Paint, motor oil, and other car fluids
  • Batteries, fluorescent tubes, and electronics
  • Pesticides and herbicides

“We are proud to partner with Benton County residents on this event to keep our community and environment clean,” said Julie Jackson, Municipal Manager for Republic Services.


Whether it is paint, electronics, pesticides, herbicides or other household chemicals, Republic Services will take these items to be safely processed, and where possible, recycled so they can be used for future products.

There are some items however, that will not be accepted at this event such as:

  • Ammunition, explosives, and fireworks,
  • Biological or medical waste and sharps,
  • Business and industrial waste is accepted by appointment only.


Business and residents wishing to dispose of industrial waste or larger-than-household quantities of waste should call 916-693-4496 to schedule a drop-off time for Friday, February 7.


For more information, and to see a calendar of future events please visit: