Special Events in Philomath

Application now available online! 

The City of Philomath values events which bring people together through the celebration of the arts, sports, history, commerce, health and more. As a means of encouraging these gatherings, the City makes its streets and public right-of-way available to civic, private, and community groups to organize and sponsor activities that enhance the Philomath community. Please review the information below to determine if your event requires a Special Event Permit. The application is now available to fill out online, as well as in PDF format, which you can find at the bottom of this page. If you complete the application online, it will automatically be submitted to us. For those using the PDF version, please submit it to the Administration Department at City Hall or email it to events@philomathoregon.gov. 

What is a Special Event?

A Special Event Permit is required for activities/gatherings/events which do any of the following:

  • Involve a large group of people (compared to the usual occupancy of a site) and
  • Use City facilities or property (i.e., city buildings, parks, and parking lots) or
  • Impact or use City streets (including curb or parking lane), sidewalks, and public right-of-ways

Examples: Road race, bike race, walk, parade, festival, market, carnival, wedding, car show, concert, etc.


Permit Fees

The Special Event Application must be submitted at least 45 days before the event, or the application may not be accepted. The following permit fees may be added depending on your event activities:

  • Special Event Permit fee is $20
  • Broadcast Permit fee $20
  • Alcohol Permit fee $25


Parades and Other Street Closures

Philomath Municipal Code 10.10.080 states that parades or events utilizing the public right of way (including alleys, sidewalks, etc.) and consisting of 50 or more persons or 10 or more vehicles will require a Special Event Permit. Philomath Municipal Code 12.15.040 states that no person may occupy or encroach upon a public right-of-way without the permission of the City. This includes streets (including curb or parking lane), sidewalks, and other public rights-of-way.


Park Groups and Events

You park event may require a Special Event permit. If any of the following apply to your event you will need to submit an application. Circumstances which require you to submit a Special Event Permit application are:
  • Any event over 200 participants/attendees
  • Events which will impact more than one section of a park 
  • Events requesting both alcohol and broadcast permits, with over 100 participants/attendees
Philomath Municipal Code 12.10.070 states that all requests for reservations from large groups may require additional fees and restrictions, that the City Manager may set after review of the group’s request.


Alcohol Service and/or Consumption

On all City properties: The City will require a copy of your Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) permit if it is required for your event. You must determine if your event requires an OLCC permit. An OLCC permit is required if:
  • Alcohol will be sold, or
  • Alcohol is available (but not being sold), and you are charging or accepting donations for admission, or where payment is required to attend the event.
Before submitting your OLCC application, you must first complete the Local Governing Body Recommendation form. Once completed, bring your form and all supporting documentation to the Philomath Police Department at 1010 Applegate Street.
As of August 12, 2024, OLCC will no longer accept paper applications. Permits must be managed online through the new CAMP system. Visit http://camp.olcc.online to complete your application and upload your recommendation form.

If you have questions about which form to use, call the OLCC Licensing Help Line at 503-872-5217.


Insurance Requirements

A certificate of liability insurance is required for all special events. The certificate must provide liability insurance coverage for an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The Certificate must show the City of Philomath as an additional insured and provide 30 days’ notice of cancellation or material modification.
If alcohol will be provided, additional insurance coverage is required. Event host will provide Liquor Liability Insurance covering Bodily Injury and Property Damage arising from selling, serving or furnishing of any alcoholic beverage by the Host or Host’s employees, representatives, agents, or sub-contractors in the performance of the Rental Agreement. Coverage shall be a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $2,000,000 aggregate and shall name the City of Philomath as an additional insured.
If you need assistance finding options for Special Event Insurance, contact your homeowner's policy company or you can view the City's insurance services provider flyer by clicking here

NOTE: A copy of the certificate(s) must be on file at least 30 days prior to the event, or the application/permit will be cancelled.


Permit Application

Instructions: Add the 'Special Events Fee' to your cart. You will be prompted to register an account if you don't already have one. Once registered, you will have access to the questions needed for your permit.